Well my sneaky plan of programming on my off hours at school has been ruin by... Procrastination . You can tell this was a total shock to me because of how many attributes i gave that string of text compared to the rest. It's a annoying how programming ruins your ability to talk like a normal human; who says "String of text?" well programmers who have to deal with string.
Anyways here's what i'm doing.
I've been working on a 'package' or 'Library' as they're called for speeding up development on games. I plan to release this on LOK as a group project as soon as i think i've done enough.
I've already made a simple test game that uses the engine but this is really simple and i wouldn't call it a game.
I think i'm going to redo NC cop again and see if i can do it right this time.
I got some some ideas that could be used to make the game better.
I'll start by look at my old code for the next 2 and a half hours until my classes start.
The big problem is coding at school is the fact my main code is on my Laptop and what i carry around is a flash drive with a back up copy. It's just that the flash drive normally has a out of date version of software. NC cop i should have a problem with since i haven't touched that in months.
I think i might try a dungeon system with NC cop a lot like how CoC does it but randomly generated.
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